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Building a remote team?

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What additional benefits can Skuad provide to a full-time EOR employee?

Private Health Insurance 

We offer private health insurance packages to EOR employees in 160 countries.{Link out to the article which talks about benefits}


We offer device support to EOR employees in 65 countries.

Coworking space 

In select few locations, we provide access to shared coworking spaces. This can be a great option for employees who prefer a flexible work environment or who lack a dedicated workspace at home.

How can I request these benefits on Skuad’s platform for a new employee?

Step 1:  Once you log in, navigate to the ‘People’ section. Click on ‘Add New Hire’. 

Step 2:  Complete the steps to add a new employee with the required details.

Step 3: Choose ‘Yes’ for the ‘Device Required/Private Health Insurance’ option if you wish to provide the same to your employee. 

How can I request these benefits on Skuad’s platform for an existing employee?

Use the ‘Help Request’ option to get support for devices/insurance/coworking spaces for your employee during the tenure of the employee. 

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