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How do I get reimbursed for expenses incurred?

Step 1: Navigate to the ‘Expenses’ section in the side panel which will direct you to the expense page. Here you'll find the option to ‘Add Expense’ in the right corner. 

Step-2  To create a new expense click on the ‘Add Expense’ which will open a new page to fill in the details of your expense.

Note: Each expense claim allows for the submission of only one expense.

Step 3:  While filing an expense claim you will be required to upload expense receipts for proof of submission. Click on ‘Proceed Further’ to complete adding the expense. 

Step 4: You can view the expenses you've submitted and their respective statuses on the expenses page. 

Expense reimbursements are generally processed alongside salary payments, following approval from your manager within the specified cutoff date of the month.

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