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Everything You Need to Know About Severance Pay

Everything You Need to Know About Severance Pay

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Severance pay is an important financial compensation that employers may offer to employees who are terminated or laid off from their jobs. It helps bridge the financial gap during a transition period.

As an employer (who terminates), you may have to pay to cover the severance pay, and as an employee (who is terminated), you’ll be entitled to severance pay.

Workers must receive one month's pay for each year they have worked for the company. However, in some circumstances, such as with generous pay packages, the severance payment may be greater than the individual's earnings in case of continued employment with the company.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about severance pay, how it is taxed, ways to minimize the tax impact, and its effect on unemployment benefits.

What is Severance Pay?

Employees involuntarily dismissed from their positions due to layoffs, downsizing, or firm closures, are offered severance pay as financial compensation. In most cases, it is given as a token of goodwill and gratitude for the employee's service to the organization. It is intended to give them some financial support while they are in between jobs.

The amount of severance compensation may change depending on factors including duration of employment, job position, and corporate policy. For each year of service, some companies base their calculation on a specific number of weeks' worth of salary.


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What is Severance Pay Tax?

Severance pay, like regular income, is subject to taxation. The amount of tax you pay on your severance package depends on various factors and any applicable deductions or exemptions.

Depending on the applicable regulations in the employee's location, state and local income taxes may also be included in the severance pay tax depending on the employee's tax bracket. Severance pay must also have the necessary amount of federal taxes withheld from it by the employer in order to be reported on the employee's W-2 form.

How is Severance pay taxed?

Severance pay tax can significantly impact the overall amount you receive. However, there are ways to minimize the tax impact and keep more of your severance pay.

Federal Taxation

Federal income tax is usually applied to severance pay since it is commonly considered extra income. It’s important to note that the tax rates for supplemental income may differ from your normal income tax rates. 

To comply with federal tax rules, employers are obliged to correctly calculate and withhold the necessary amount of taxes from employee severance pay and send it to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To confirm that the appropriate taxes were taken out of their severance pay, employees should verify their W-2 forms at the end of the year. By consulting with tax professionals, one may better understand federal tax rules and make the most of their financial situation during a severance pay period.

State and Local Taxes

In addition to federal taxes, severance pay tax, may also be subject to state and local income taxes, depending on the laws of the state in which you reside. Some states, like California, do not tax severance pay but charge an assessment fee. Nevertheless, most other states tax severance pay similar to wages.

Ways to Minimize the Impact of Taxes on Severance Pay

There are ways to minimize the tax impact and retain most of your severance pay. Here are two effective strategies.

Understanding Local Regulations

To reduce the effect of severance pay tax, it is essential to understand the local tax laws in your area. Severance pay may be subject to tax rules, exemptions, and deductions that differ between nations and regions.

For instance, certain jurisdictions provide certain tax reductions for workers who have been let go or have received severance payments. These exemptions may lower your overall tax obligation on your severance pay. 

To ensure compliance and make informed decisions, it is recommended to consult with a tax professional who has expertise in local tax laws. They can guide you through the process and help you identify potential tax-saving opportunities specific to your situation.

Using Retirement Accounts

Contributing a portion of your severance pay to a retirement plan is another option to reduce the immediate tax burden on it. Contributions to retirement funds, such as 401(k)s and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), may be tax-deductible or tax-deferred, depending on your location.

You may be able to lower your taxable income for the year by putting a portion of your severance money into these accounts. Consequently, your income tax obligations are reduced, enabling you to keep more of your severance money.

How Does Severance Pay Affect Unemployment?

Severance pay can have implications on an individual's eligibility for and the amount of unemployment benefits they receive. Understanding these effects is essential for individuals who have lost their jobs and rely on unemployment benefits as a financial safety net.

Delay in Unemployment Benefits

Receiving severance pay may delay the receipt of unemployment benefits.

A severance package is given to people to help them financially during their transition after a job loss. Some state-level unemployment offices may thus delay initiating other unemployment benefits until the severance compensation period is through.

For example, suppose a worker is entitled to three months of severance pay. In that case, they might need to wait until after three months before they can begin receiving unemployment benefits. People should be aware of this probable delay and make financial plans for it during this interim time.

Reduction in Unemployment Benefits

A person's eligibility for unemployment benefits may be reduced due to receiving severance pay. Usually, the reduction is determined by the entire sum of severance pay received.

For example, some states may cut their weekly unemployment benefits by splitting the severance pay over the weeks it covers. If a person is eligible for a weekly unemployment benefit of $67. Assume they get a lump sum severance payout of $333.33 for 25 work weeks. In this case, the weekly benefit amount might be decreased by $13.33; the amount of reduction is the total severance pay spread over the number of weeks ($333.33 divided by 25 weeks).

Legal Compliance and Reporting

It is vital to follow the law and correctly declare all sources of income while dealing with severance pay and unemployment benefits. There may be penalties and legal consequences if severance money or any other sources of income are not reported.

To prevent problems with benefit computations or eligibility, people should be open and honest with their state's unemployment office about any severance pay they may have received. Similarly, firms must accurately record severance payments to tax authorities and employees.

Both individuals and businesses can seek assistance with payroll, taxes, and compliance with unemployment legislation to manage compensation like severance pay and unemployment benefits. They can partner with Skuad, an employer of record platform, to avail of the mentioned benefits.

Manage Payroll and Taxes Compliantly with Skuad

Employees getting laid off rely on severance compensation to maintain their financial security. This is why employers should ensure that they’re correctly maintaining records of all relieved employees and compensating them timely. 

However, tracking everything becomes a little overwhelming, especially with a globally distributed workforce. With Skuad as your Employer of Record (EOR), you can easily maintain employee records, handle onboarding and offboarding employees, and ensure their compensation. With Skuad, you can easily run global payroll securely and tax-compliantly - book a demo to see how.


1. How is severance pay calculated?

Severance pay is typically calculated based on factors like length of service, job position, and company policy. To calculate the tax, individuals can utilize a severance pay tax calculator to help them determine the appropriate amount of taxes owed based on their income and other relevant factors.

2. Does severance pay affect unemployment benefits?

Yes, severance pay can impact unemployment benefits. It may lead to a delay in receiving benefits or a reduction in the amount of benefits an individual is eligible to receive. 

3. Do businesses have to offer severance pay?

In many countries, businesses are not legally required to offer severance pay. However, some countries or states may have specific labor laws or collective agreements that mandate severance pay under certain circumstances.

4. How can I avoid paying taxes on severance?

It's challenging to avoid taxes on severance pay altogether. However, using retirement accounts or understanding local tax regulations may help minimize the tax impact. To navigate the complexities of taxes for a severance payment, seeking advice from a qualified tax professional is advisable.

5. Is severance pay taxed at a higher rate than regular wages?

Severance pay is subject to taxation, but the tax rates for supplemental income, such as severance pay, may differ from regular income tax rates. It's essential to be aware of the tax implications when receiving severance pay.











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